
Artist Statement


Artist Statement

My films aim to explore the dissolving of the public persona through situational humor and unique obstacles to bring out their true identities to the audience. In the current age of social media, I find that almost everyone has created a public persona and an image of self-perfection. I believe that most people are so concerned with this online public image that it has become the forefront of their identity. We disregard the humanity of the people that hold positions of power, and through the internet are able to change the career paths of others on a whim without any repercussions or thought of their humanity. In this “cancelled” culture, we as a society take praise and dehumanize people all in one big swoop. My work focuses on the humanization and breaking of expectations of those that are notable. 

My latest work, Tony’s Angels, explores the difference between public and private persona by showing the use of Tinder as a means of meeting people. This short film tells the story of a young man in his early twenty’s, who comes across an aspiring adult web-cam model, with the hopes of being in one of her videos in exchange for a paid vote in a contest. Going against the advice of his doubting friend, he decides to go through with it, only find out he may not know either of them as well as he thought.

My characters struggle with the natural longing of connection with others on an intimate level, while also dealing with breaking through others’ public-selves. Being in a position of power, my characters deal with the assumptions and stereotypes that may come form those in power. With these assumptions can come a lack of understanding between two people and can hinder the ability for them to develop long lasting and meaningful connections with others.




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